Board of Authority

Chief Editor

Dr. V.V.Vinoth, M.E., PGCM(HRM), PhD,

Associative Editor

Dr. B. Karthik, M.E., PhD.


Er. Manoj Thirunavukkarasu, ME.,

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovation having E-ISSN:2455-0140 and Impact Factor Value:0.945

Editorial Committee

Dr. K. Vijayakumar, MD.,
Shri. V. Sundararaju, IFS (Rtd)
Dr. T. James Wilson, B.E, M.I, Mar.Tech, MISTE, MBA, Ph.D.,
CAPT. Paulnadar Bennet Singh, ADMT, MSNI, A.M.I. Mar Tech, MHRM, M.S, M.Sc, M.B.A, MICS.,
Dr. V. Khanaa, B.E, M.B.A, M.S, M.Tech, Ph.D.,
Dr. R. Navakumari Vijayakumar, MS.,
Dr. T. Jeya Selva Kumari, M.A(His), M.A(Edu), M.Ed, M.Phil(His),  M.Phil(Edu), P.G.D.C.A, M.B.A, Ph.D, M. A, (Eco.,)
Dr. C. Babu, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D.,
Dr. A.K. Soniyapriyadharishni, B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D.,
Dr.G. Selvam, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Dr.C.P. BEN, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D.,